Our toddler program consists of two classrooms: younger toddlers and older toddlers.
Younger toddlers are just beginning to crawl and walk and are learning and developing so rapidly, every day is different from the last. During this time in a child’s development, providing a variety of physical and cognitive learning experiences is essential. Therefore, the younger toddler classroom has a wide assortment of equipment and materials available to challenge each child at every level of their development. A daily record of your toddler’s activities is recorded on a shared app and you can access that anytime during the day, with a full daily report shared with you at the end of the day.
The older toddlers are a group of older, highly mobile toddlers. These toddlers are forming their first words, experimenting with trial-and-error to solve problems, and learning to function as a part of a group. In the classroom, a flexible classroom schedule is implemented and the children participate in a variety of planned large and small group, as well as one-on-one activities. All the excitement is recorded on a shared app and you can access that anytime during the day, with a full daily report shared with you at the end of the day.